Case Studies
September 27, 2023
5 min read

Binokl` Kava: A Tale of Coffee Innovation


Binokl Kava's journey offers a captivating glimpse into the fusion of traditional coffee culture with cutting-edge automation. Starting with a modest presence of 15 vending machines and 5 café locations, Binokl Kava has embarked on a technological transformation, expanding to 140 vending machines while maintaining an unwavering commitment to quality and excellence.

With a team of over 80 dedicated coffee enthusiasts crafting each cup and a library of over 100 engaging learning materials, Binokl Kava is not just about growth; it's about embracing innovation while savoring the essence of great coffee.

The Challenge

Challenge: How could Binokl` Kava maintain consistent quality in its coffee and service across its diverse locations, including both automated machines and café settings?

The Solution

Solution: Binokl Kava was captivated by Mr. Tomato LXP's innovative features, particularly its obsession-worthy checklist management tools, which became the linchpin of their quality assurance strategy. Here's how they brewed success:

For Café Locations

  • Sip, Sizzle, and Serve: Picture this: Mr. Tomato's nifty mobile app swoops in and transforms barista training into a culinary adventure. With checklists smoother than a buttered croissant, every barista hones their skills to perfection. Their secret sauce? Over 90% of the team now follows these meticulous cheklists, ensuring that every latte, cappuccino, and macchiato is crafted to mouthwatering precision.
  • Performance That Packs a Punch: But hold on to your chef's hats because the fun doesn't stop there! Those checklists aren't just our sidekicks; they're the heroes of our performance evaluations. We've seen a sizzling 25% boost in work quality since Mr. Tomato's magic arrived. And guess what? Our app kicks in with lightning speed, making data analysis 70% snappier! It's not just coffee; it's a quality surge and a faster ticket to higher salaries for the team, served hot and fresh!

For Vending Machines

  • Comprehensive Checklists: Binokl` Kava extensively employs checklists for vending machine maintenance, covering everything from scheduling to functionality. These checklists include task assignments, deadlines, and restrictions to ensure optimal machine operation.
  • Performance Metrics: The checklist outcomes are used to assess work quality and determine compensation. Data exported from the app facilitates in-depth analysis of machine performance.
  • Additional Functionality: Binokl` Kava has started using the application for testing procedures on vending machines, expanding its use beyond café locations.
  • Serving Excellence with Learning Materials: With Mr. Tomato's app, new team members dive into company values, and missions, and become masters of the menu, policies, and daily specials. It's a recipe for success that keeps coffee machines and careers brewing brilliantly.

The Outcome

Outcome: Binokl` Kava, with a pinch of Mr. Tomato's culinary magic, sautéed its way through the challenge of keeping things deliciously consistent across their eclectic network. And guess what? The outcome? It's like adding a dollop of whipped cream to your coffee – nothing short of extraordinary!

  • Streamlined Operations: The application streamlined the onboarding process for baristas, allowing them to quickly adapt to Binokl` Kava's standards, resulting in consistently high-quality coffee.
  • Efficient Machine Maintenance: Vending machine operations were enhanced through comprehensive checklists, ensuring minimal downtime and optimal service quality.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: The data collected through the application allowed Binokl` Kava to make informed decisions, optimizing both employee compensation and machine performance.


In the dynamic world of coffee culture, Binokl Kava's vibrant partnership with groundbreaking tech, starring the visionary Mr. Tomato, isn't just a testament to quality; it's a java-fueled revolution! Through their custom app and checklist wizardry, Binokl Kava has brewed a network that's the envy of the coffee scene—consistent and top-notch.

But here's the kicker: Their journey isn't just inspiring; it's a wake-up call for the whole industry! It's time to embrace tech, raise your quality game, and serve up excellence, just like Binokl Kava. So, grab your apron, fire up that Mr. Tomato app, and let's make the coffee world sizzle!

Join the Restaurant Revolution with Mr. Tomato LXP!

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